Friday, August 9, 2019

Strategy as practice and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategy as practice and leadership - Essay Example ance, the total productivity and profitability of the organization might get enhanced to a significant extent as compared to many other rival players. Other than this, learning or educational training programs acts as the raw materials that might be used to enhance the inner knowledge and skills of the employees that may prove effective in improving the intangible assets of the organization such as customer loyalty, brand image, reputation and reliability etc. However, such type of intangible assets might amplify the prosperity and distinctiveness of the organization in the market among many other rival players. Hence, it might be clearly depicted that in order to enhance the reputation and popularity of the organization in future era, the entrepreneur might try to offer high concentration over training programs or learning processes of the employees. So, most of the organization in this age, try to implement numerous work-shops or training programs to enhance the inner talents and capabilities of the employees. As employees are considered as the most important assets of an organization without which it may not prosper in the mark et among others existing players of the market. The objective of this essay is to analyze the effectiveness and importance of learning in future development of the organization so as to amplify its prosperity in the market. Along with this, the importance of soft systems thinking (SST) in developing the organizational intellectual capital. As per Beardwell & Claydon (2010), learning is the weapon that might be used to improve the innovation of today into practice of the future era. However, it might be possible only by offering high concentration and value to the procedure of learning. This is because; it’s the process that may be used to amplify the inner knowledge and skill of the employees so as to increase the future prospects of the individual. Moreover, the process of learning is extremely essential to improve the human capital

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